Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Wrapping up

Good morning everyone. Welcome to another day of Oly Piroshki, something I will soon no longer be able to say. Yes, you do hear right, we are approaching our final days of Oly Piroshki. A short-lived, yet beautiful addition to the cuisine of Olympia. But more importantly of local and organic food. Though we won't be around much longer, do remember to eat as much nutritious food as is available to you. And know that "organic" is not supposed to be a buzz word, but a direct representation of the fuel you are feeding your body and living off of. The most important investment you can make is to eat local, organic foods- it is one way to protect our ecosystem, our local farmers, our health, and the planet we live on. There's definitely much to be done before organic foods are widely available to all people of all income levels and before there is no longer a need to distinguish between "organic" and "conventional" foods, but it is something we should strive for. Food should not be about convenience or simply about taste (though I do love tasty food!), but rather nutrition and sustainability. The web is vast, and we should stop putting it all on ourselves as individuals to change the food system, but remember to hold lawmakers and corporations accountable and demand that our food is not laced with chemicals are factory farms remotely acceptable. So buy CSAs, go to your farmers market,speak up when you can, get involved. In the mean time, our menu:

Fried Piroshki:
*Potato Onion
*Potato Smoked Pork
*Chicken Stroganoff

Baked Piroshki:


*Piroshki and Soup Combination Dealio

*Cherry Apple Kompot