Hello, hello, hello! I hope everyone is at the beginnings of a splendid day. We're doing pretty well ourselves, here at the piroshki stand. Our dearest Flora is back in the kitchen, making things happen. Our top oven light (which has been out of commission for quite awhile now) is back! We also had a great weekend, making plans for piroshki in the fast approaching summer. Discussion of kabobs and all sorts of fun plans were had. So keep your ears perked! Well, let's talk about today and today's menu:
Baked Piroshki:
*Chicken Stroganoff in puff pastry
*Creamy Mushroom
Deep-fried Piroshki:
*Beef Onion
*Potato Onion
*Fried Potato with Smoked Pork
*Deep-fried Berry Medley Bites
*Marionberry Sloykey- delicious berry treat in puff pastry
*Cherry Apple Kompot